Course Description

Are you craving sugar all day?

Do you feel out of control around sugar?

Is your energy low?

Then this is for you...

This 10-day Sugar Rehab will help you ditch your sugar cravings and empower you to 'say no' to sugar when you want to!

Goodbye Sugar Dependence... Hello Sugar Independence! :-)

What you will get out of the program:

  • Learn about sugar and the effect on our body; how it causes sugar cravings and what you need to do to stop this
  • Professional support from experts on how to create balance to create sugar independence
  • A support group to hold your hand along the way; to accompany and motivate you to sugar freedom


  • Stabilise your blood sugar level & hormones to curb cravings
  • Enjoy healthy sugar-free snacks to boost your energy
  • Kick-start your healthy lifestyle and weight loss!

Are you ready to unleash your full energy? Join us for this 10-day challenge to boost your energy and overall wellbeing!

Clients from all over the world already successfully finished the program & now never want to go back again to feeling sluggish and crap again thanks to too much sugar!

We wish you to feel as energetic and vibrant as our program alumni!

Please get in touch with us in case of any questions you may have. We are here to help and support you!


Marco & Sabine

Sports and Exercise Nutritional Advisor & Holistic Health Coach

Marco & Sabine at Puricious Health Coaching

Marco & Sabine. Husband & wife. Italian & Dutch. Sports Nutritionist & Health Coach. Sugar Ditchers. Keynote Speakers & Authors. Founders of Puricious.Having coached clients worldwide, they found that the Nr. 1 obstacle to feeling good in your body is... SUGAR! Most people don't know about the impact of (hidden) sugar on our health. This is why they are on a mission to help you boost your energy & immune system thanks to a sweeter life with less sugar it it!To achieve a life with less sugar can be challenging. This is why the 10-day Sugar Rehab program guides you step-by-step HOW to help you enjoy all the benefits from a low sugar lifestyle!

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome, Sugar Ditcher! How can you prepare for the 10-day Sugar Rehab?

    • Step 1: prepare for the sugar rehab

  • 2

    [Book] Everything you need to know WHY you should ditch sugar!

    • Download your eBook

  • 3

    [Workbook] 3-Step method in action (track your progress)

    • Download your Workbook

  • 4

    [Snack cheat sheet] Super easy & delicious sugar-free snacks

    • Download your sugar-free snack cheat sheet

  • 5

    [Bonus]: 10-Day meal plan

    • Download your 10-day meal plan

  • 6

    [Bonus]: Cookbook

    • Download your cookbook

  • 7

    [Bonus]: Expert videos on sugar & the impact on our health

    • Watch the expert videos on why & how to reduce sugar